Specialist Travel Visa, Passport & Administration Solutions
Falcon House,
19 Deer Park Road, Wimbledon,
SW19 3UX
Mon 9.00-17.00 Fri 9.00-17.00
Tue 9.00-17.00 Sat Closed
Wed 9.00-17.00 Sun Closed
Thu 9.00-17.00
Passport Renewal
All passport services require us to pre-book an appointment to attend on your behalf. Please note that we can attend the London office only. Appointment times are subject to availability at the Passport Office in London and cannot be guaranteed.
Processing time is 1 week on standard services or 1 business day on express service. Please note that the process begins only once we have attended an appointment on your behalf.
For standard services, the Passport Office will mail your passport directly to the UK residential address noted on the application form only & the return postage for this is included in our prices below. For express services, we will collect your new passport on your behalf at the appointment and return the new book to you by your chosen method. Renewals for children can only be applied for on the standard services.
To apply at the Passport Office, you must be currently in the UK. Those residing abroad, must apply for an Overseas British passport.
For renewal of a 2nd active passport, please see here.

VisaSmart Available Services
Please Note: All processing times listed are at the discretion of HMPO and can not be guaranteed. All submissions are subject to an available appointment. Standard service applications are returned to the applicant direct from HMPO. Please allow sufficient time to process your application when sending your documents.
All processing times are listed in business days.

Authority Processing Time (in Days)
VisaSmart Ltd Charge
Total (inc VAT, exc Return Delivery)
Adult Passport Renewal
Adult Passport Renewal Express
Child's Passport Renewal
Documentation Required
You must enclose all required documentation in full when sending your application to us. Failure to do so may result in a delay with your application while this information is sought
Passport application fully completed and signed obtained from any UK Post Office (Standard Service applicants Only). Express applicants must provide information for VisaSmart to complete your online form using our application pack (download above).
UK passport regulation photographs x2 – these must not be the same photos used in your current passport. If using the express service, the photo can be emailed.
Passport book to be renewed – the Passport Office will cancel this book and it will be returned with your new book.
Authorisation letter for VisaSmart Ltd to act on your behalf. Must be signed using the same signature as in your new passport. (For express applicants only)
Please note HMPO will require your form and one of your photographs to be countersigned if your appearance has changed and you cannot be recognised from your existing passport OR if the applicant is a child.
Your countersignatory must:
have known you for at least 2 years
be able to identify you, for example they’re a friend, neighbour or colleague (not just someone who knows you professionally)
be ‘a person of good standing in their community’ or work in (or be retired from) a recognised profession
Scheduled HMPO Closures
02 January 2023, 07 April 2023, 10 April 2023, 01 May 2023,
08 May 2023, 29 May 2023, 28 August 2023, 25-26 December 202301-02 January 2024, 29 March 2024, 01 April 2024, 06 May 2024, 27 May 2024, 26 August 2024, 25-31 December 2024
To begin your application, click on the 'Apply for' button in the banner at the top of this page. This will download your application pack containing our Order Form and a checklist of requirements for your information. Please note if not applying online, you will need to obtain a passport application form from your nearest Post Office.